First XIII screenshots debut, and yes, they're cel-shaded

Published , by Brittany Vincent

When news first broke about a remake of the classic comic book-tinged shooter XIII, I was skeptical if it was going to retain the same aesthetic.

Well, I'm happy to report it looks like we're going to be seeing the same glorious look the original game featured, except a whole lot smoother and cleaner. If this is what the future has in store for one of the coolest-looking shooters ever to grace consoles and PC, color me interested.

Most importantly, it will still feature the comic onomatopoeia we're used to seeing in the game, such as a big "BAOOMM!" when an explosion occurs. That was a major concern of mine, I'm not going to lie. Losing that element would have made the game feel unlike XIII anymore. 

Honestly, from this first batch of screenshots, it looks a lot like we left it so many years ago, just better. Check out how crisp everything still looks, while still remaining appropriately cartoony. 

Looks like someone's cruising for a bruising in this particular area, and we can't wait to deliver it to them. Check out the shadows on the hand. 

This set of screenshots debuted on developer Microids' official Facebook page, but there weren't any other details to accompany them. Unfortunately, the game was delayed not long ago to 2020, with Microids releasing a statement about it: 

“We are thrilled with PlayMagic’s work so far. This additional development time is needed to reach the level of polish we’re aiming for. The announcement was greeted by an overwhelming response from the community and we’ll make sure to deliver the best possible game to our fans” said François Coulon, head of production at Microids.

We'll have to wait until next year to see more, but given that the end of this year is so packed, that's probably a blessing. There's a projected 34 levels with a solo campaign announced so far, with no multiplayer confirmed yet. It's set to debut on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, and Mac in 2020, 17 years after its initial debut in 2003. Keep it locked to Shacknews for additional updates.