Nintendo Minute's Krysta Yang talks SDCC 2019 game lineup

Published , by Greg Burke

San Diego Comic-Con 2019 is officially wrapped up, but we have a ton of great content that will be hitting the site this week. First up, we chatted with Nintendo Minute co-host Krysta Yang about the lineup of games shown at SDCC 2019. Please take a look.

For more great videos, including developer interviews and convention coverage for events like E3 or PAX, be sure to check out both Shacknews and over on YouTube.

Krysta highlighted Nintendo's upcoming game lineup for the rest of 2019, starting with Luigi's Mansion 3. Nintendo announced the game will have a Halloween 2019 release date as Luigi tries to escape a haunted hotel this time. Krysta went on to detail some of the finer points of the upcoming game like Gooigi, Luigi's goo-like counterpart who can fit through bars and go places Luigi can't. "He's green and he's gooey, what else can I say about Gooigi? He's great!"

Next up, Krysta showed off the Link's Awakening Nintendo Switch remake which releases on September 20, 2019. Nintendo had some really cool dioramas set up at E3 2019 and SDCC 2019 that show off the cool art style of the upcoming Zelda game. Krysta detailed just how much work went into staying true to the vision of the original Game Boy game while remaking the game with all new graphics. "I'm really jealous of people who have never played. If this is their first Link's Awakening experience, that's amazing!"

In perfect San Diego Comic-Con fashion, Nintendo launched Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order at the same time as the event. Krysta detailed the fun she's been having playing the game with friends and also showed off her Captain Marvel nails.

Next up, Krysta talked to us about the latest mega game release from Nintendo, Super Mario Maker 2. "It's already out, but it's really fun because this is a game that just keeps getting refreshed." If you are still on the fence about the game, please check out our Shacknews Super Mario Maker 2 review.

Last, but not least, Krysta gave us look at Pokemon Sword and Shield. Asked which starter she plans on using, Krysta pledged her allegiance to Scorbunny Squad. Sorry, Grookey Gang. "Anyone who has a different answer is wrong."

We really appreciate Krysta taking the time out of her busy San Diego Comic-Con 2019 to chat with us about Nintendo's game lineup. Please check out her ongoing video series Nintendo Minute on social media and YouTube, and head over to the official Nintendo website to find out more about all of the games launching later this year.