Gears 5 tech test PC requirements and specs

Published , by Josh Hawkins

The Coalition is busy working away at perfecting the next title in the Gears of War series, and Gears 5 is looking to be one thrilling ride. As we move closer and closer to the game’s eventual release this fall, the developers are ready to take things up a notch with a tech test that is scheduled to kick off next month. In this guide we’ll discuss the recommended PC specs and requirements that players will want to keep in mind when preparing for the test this July.

Gears 5 tech test PC requirements and specs

If you’re planning on taking part in the Gears 5 tech test on PC, then you’re going to need to make sure your system is up to par with the recommended requirements. Thankfully, the developers have provided a handy cheatsheet of the minimum and recommended PC requirements that you’ll want to have when setting up to play the Gears 5 tech test.

We’ve included an image of the specs shared above, but we’ll also include the specs in text form below, just to make it easier to read.

Minimum PC specs:

Recommended PC specs:

Ideal PC specs:

Now that you know what kind of PC requirements, you’ll need to play the Gears 5 tech test, you can learn when the Gears 5 tech test starts and follow Shacknews on Twitter for even more guides and news right on your timeline.