Hugo Martin on Doom Eternal: "This is our Evil Dead 2"

Published , by Brittany Vincent

It's nearly time to rip and tear, ladies and gentlemen of Shacknews. The next entry in the brutal Doom saga, Doom Eternal, is coming to eager players everywhere later this year, and we can't wait to get our hands on it.

But before that, we had to sit down with those responsible for such an excellent slice of gory shooter goodness, and we came out of E3 2019 with a very special interview that you can view below. Here's one of the highlights: 

"We talked for a long read at GDC 2017, I think," our EIC and CEO Asif Khan said during the interview. "We talked about some of the movies that you looked to for inspiration. Robocop was a really big influence for Doom 2016. I'm not saying that this is cinematic, clearly it is a gameplay-driven game, but there are moments that feel very cinematic and can tell a story without saying a word. What did you look to for influence on Doom Eternal?" Hugo Martin replied, without missing a beat.

"This is our Evil Dead 2. That's what I think," he said. "2016 was Evil Dead 1, in terms of the video game being like, really really good, and the fans love it. We'd like to think that it's going to stand the test of time and be around for a couple of years, but when Evil Dead 2 came out, you were like Evil Dead 1, respect, Evil Dead 2 is really Evil Dead, you know? We just feel like this is a great expression of what Doom in the modern age can be."

Our own Donovan Erskine had the chance to check out Doom Eternal during E3 2019. Here's what he thought of it.

"Rhythmically wading through baddies while launching grenades, blasting flames, and launching from wall to wall is a pure joy. DOOM: Eternal is as brutal and violent as ever, and the glory kills are back yet again to deliver some satisfying deaths for enemies. When an opponent's health is low enough, they will flash blue and yellow to signal they can be glory killed. Triggering the glory kill will cause the DOOM Slayer to finish off a demon in the most violent ways possible. Smashing heads, ripping out body parts, and making demons swallow their own eyeballs is oddly cathartic."

Be sure to check out the full interview for additional engaging highlights about Doom Eternal, which is going to no doubt blow us all away when it finally lands on November 22, 2019. For more developer interviews and gameplay footage videos straight from the E3 2019 showroom floor, be sure to follow Shacknews and GamerHubTV over on Twitter.