Risk of Rain 2 early access roadmap details upcoming content

Published , by Kevin Tucker

The Risk of Rain 2 roadmap has been revealed, and a slew of new characters, items, artifacts, and even bosses are soon to land in Hopoo Games' roguelike shooter. Even better, the early access development forecast shows a planned release date for next year, with Hopoo Games intending to drop new contents into the game each season leading up to the 1.0 launch in Spring of 2020.

Risk of Rain 2 roadmap | Early access forecast

As can be seen in the image below, the Risk of Rain 2 roadmap is broken up into five distinct chunks. The first block of updates will arrive in June, offering a new survivor, a new stage, a new boss, and a selection of new items and equipment.

The Risk of Rain 2 Early Access roadmap

The summer update to Risk of Rain 2 will bring similar new features, but the real highlight in that instance will be the addition of new Skills. It's not exactly clear what Skills 2.0 is meant to specify, but it's possible that Hopoo Games will be either adding more skills to each survivor or will be adjusting or otherwise changing their current skills based on player feedback.

The fall update will bring with it another new survivor, plus the addition of new Hidden Realms and bosses. After that, the winter 2019 update will at last see the addition of Artifacts, which are featured but blocked in the current early access build of the game. Again, we don't know too much about what these will entail, but the game's menu description says that Artifacts are "game modifiers that can be found in the world." Like with Lunar Items in Risk of Rain 2, these Artifacts likely have the potential to drastically change required strategies.

Finally, the roadmap details a spring 2020 launch for the game. The final early access update will once again add new items, equipment, and a new survivor. It will also add what are being called the Final Stage and Final Boss, meaning players can expect to get their first look at what are sure to be the game's most challenging environments and enemies.

If you haven't yet picked up Risk of Rain 2, you're missing out. It's delightfully addictive and surprisingly challenging roguelike with loads of unlockables and powerful items to collect and stack. The Shacknews crew continues to find new and exciting things to do in the game, and players can learn how to make the most out of the latest Hopoo Games release by heading over to our Risk of Rain 2 home page.