Chess piece puzzle solution - Resident Evil 2

Published , by Sam Chandler

The sewers in Resident Evil 2 are a strange place, it’s full or monsters, zombies, and an odd chess piece puzzle keeping doors locked. Using only one hint that’s a couple of lines long, players will be expected to sort out the correct order of the chess pieces in order to proceed further into the game, a challenge for even the most logical thinker.

Chess piece puzzle solution – Story A

Locating all six chess pieces needed to solve the puzzle is relatively easy, except for the locked cage puzzle down in the Supplies Storage Room. However, once all six chess pieces are acquired, players will need to head back to the Monitor Room on the Middle level.

The actual solution for the chess piece puzzle on Story A for both Leon and Claire is found by process of elimination based on the clue attached to the wall. The clue reads:

Pretty sure the rook and knight are on the same wall and the bishop and queen aren’t next to each other. The queen and rook were opposite each other, too.

The chess piece puzzle in the Sewer can be solved by reading the clue and eliminating where a piece might belong.

With the pawn and knight slots already shown, the puzzle can be figured out. The rook goes on the wall with the knight, leaving one space left, and seeing as the queen can’t be next to the bishop, the bishop goes on this wall too. The clue also states that the queen is opposite the rook, so it can’t be on the same wall. This means the queen and king are on the same wall with the pawn.

All that’s left now is to order them correctly. The queen and rook have to be opposite one another, and there’s only one spot where that’s possible: the middle slots. Then put the appropriate chess pieces in last and the door will be unlocked.

When looking at the map, the order from left to right, top to bottom will be: king, queen, pawn across the top and knight, rook, bishop across the bottom. Place the chess pieces in the correct order and the door leading further into the Sewers will open. Check out the Shacknews Resident Evil 2 guide for more helpful puzzle solutions and collectible guides.