Bethesda is replacing Fallout 76's Power Armor Edition nylon bags

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Bethesda is replacing Fallout 76's Power Armor Edition nylon bags with actual, proper canvas bags after a debacle that took place following the game's official debut.

When Bethesda announced the $200 Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition, it advertised a fancy West Tek canvas duffel bag as well as a Power Armor helmet and a smattering of other items along with a copy of the game (er, a cardboard disc in a SteelBook case for some reason). What players got, however, was hardly the same thing as they were promised.

Players reported receiving a nylon bag that looked nothing like what was advertised, prompting a slew of frustrated customers to complain and demand that Bethesda take action for the snafu. Originally, after responding to fans who reached out to Bethesda and were met with claims that the bag was sent as it was due to the "unavailability of materials," Bethesda sent out 500 Atoms for the inconvenience, which was hardly enough to buy anything at all in the game's cosmetic store, and that was hardly a viable solution. 

Now, Bethesda is working to make things right with a line of replacement canvas bags for anyone who purchased the Power Armor Edition. If you grabbed one and want to return your "trash bag," as the internet has called it, you can head over to a special site and submit a ticket for it to be replaced. Bethesda has stated it will "arrange" to send a replacement bag as soon as they're ready. In order to get the replacement bag, you will need to provide proof of purchase. Bethesda has lined out what you can do to offer this in a lengthy series of tweets.

At least Bethesda is working to make good on all these issues, despite the fact that players are still having to contend with Fallout 76 being the less-than-stellar title they were looking forward to. 

Country roads, take this nylon bag home, to the trash where it belongs. Hefty, Glad bags, Dollar Store trash linerrrrrssss. You know the words.