Nintendo partners with Institute of Play to bring Labo to classrooms

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Nintendo is teaming up with the Institute of Play in a new effort to help inspire kids with the various learning opportunities the Labo system affords them.

A new program beginning during the 2018/2019 school year will bring Labo to around 100 classrooms with students from grades 2-4, where kids will work in small groups to work on projects meant to introduce "basic principles of design and technology." Labo will help sharpen these kids' STEM skills as well as communication, creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving.

If you're a teacher or education professional and would like your classroom to be considered for the Nintendo Labo Classroom Program, you can sign up at the Institute of Play's site to be chosen. You can also check back at the official Labo site for a teacher's guide to utilizing it later this fall.

Additionally, Nintendo is hosting hour-long workshops for kids to participate in Labo activities across the US for free – these events just started in September, so if you're interested in taking your kids to hang out and try these out, you can check the full list of cities to see if there's one near you.