God of War celebrates price drop with behind-the-scenes Midgard Mishaps

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

As the fall release season gets into full swing, with Game of the Year contenders either on the horizon or having already released, it's easy to forget what's come earlier this year. God of War isn't looking to be overshadowed by 2018's latecomers, which is why Sony is looking to keep Kratos' adventures in fatherhood fresh in players' minds.

On Tuesday, the Sony Santa Monica team revealed on PlayStation.Blog that God oF War's MSRP has been slashed. Formerly $59.99, Kratos' new journey will now sell for $39.99 in North America.

To celebrate this price drop, the team is sharing stories of quirks that they've discovered over the course of God of War's development cycle. The "Midgard Mishaps" video is an eye into what developers and QA testers can encounter over the course of a game development, revealing totally whacked-out glitches and bugs that needed to be fixed prior to the game's eventual release. For those interested in how the industry works on a day-to-day basis, this is an informative (and hilarious) video to check out.

God of War's price drop has taken effect immediately on the PlayStation Store and is expected to follow suit at retailers soon. For those curious, yes, God of War is still on the Shacknews Game of the Year shortlist, for good reason. Discovering the adventure of Kratos and son for the first time? Don't be afraid to ask for help by jumping into our full guide and walkthrough.