PUBG PC update #21 is live, features Training mode & new MK47 Mutant

Published , by Charles Singletary Jr

We reported that upcoming PUBG PC update #21 is a whopper, filled to the brim with major additions to the battle royale game. After getting some quality time in the test server, update #21 is now live after a server maintenance was completed.

The biggest additions to the game via this update are the new Training mode, the MK47 Mutant assault rifle, a Sanhok exclusive vehicle, and the new Laser Sight weapon attachment. As described in the Steam community page post, the PUBG Corp team is also adding a new reward system for playing the game and completing missions. It's called the "supply system" and features a survival gauge that players can fill and use to level up. Missions will be refreshed daily and weekly and rewards are earned every time you gain a survival level.

The video above shows off the new Training mode, which has the potential to be a game changer for PUBG going forward. It gives players, new and old, the long desired staging ground to test out all of the game's mechanics and gives them a stress-free playground to experience with friends. Stay tuned to Shacknews as the Fix PUBG campaign charges forward.