Fortnite secret Battle Star Week 6 challenge - Search where the Stone Heads are looking

Published , by Kevin Tucker

As the sun rises on another action-packed week of Fortnite, players and Battle Pass owners will be seeking out the rewards on offer for completing the latest Season 5 Week 6 challenge. Dropping into Epic Games' hit battle royale, players will notice a new open challenge to search where the stone heads are looking in order to locate a hidden secret Battle Star. This is by far one of the easiest challenges to land in Fortnite, and we know just where players need to search to find the Secret Battle Star those Stone Heads are looking for.

Secret Battle Star week 6 challenge - Search where the Stone Heads are looking

As the challenge's title implies, the "Search where the Stone Heads are looking" challenge aims to get Fortnite players to head in the direction of the stone heads' gazes. Dedicated Fortnite players will have no doubt noticed the various stone heads littered about the in-game map, but they may not necessarily know where all of their lines of sight converge. Fortunately, we do: the stone heads are looking toward a location due east of Shifty Shafts, just southwest of Salty Springs, situated atop a small mountain:

The quickest way to scoop up the secret Battle Star is to simply land right on top of the mountain from the start of the match. The Battle Star will be sitting right out in the open next to a small patch of wildflowers. Grab it and rejoice, for the challenge will be complete.

Now that players have searched where the stone heads are looking and have found the secret Battle Star, be sure to catch up on more coverage of Epic Games' hit battle royale sensation by checking out Shacknews' ever-expanding Fortnite home page.