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By: roushimsx legacy 10 yearslegacy 20 years x
Ohh, I might take you up on that offer :D

One of the parts I loved was when Randy was giving his passionate, animated speech about the history of Duke and he pulls out a copy of the December 1999 PC Gamer in one of those bags you'd store one of your treasured comic books. I think he even had one of those whiteboards in there too to stiffen it up and keep it from getting bent. It made me feel like such a woefully inadequate slacker with how I store my copy (on a bookshelf crammed together with a bunch of other PC Gamers) :(

Right now the issue is sitting on my nightstand next to the bed, though. Not because I was reading about Duke Nukem Forever, but because I really wanted to learn how I could win a job at Ion Storm. If Peter Molyneux liked you game design evaluation enough, you could win a spot as a temp QA tester w/ them :D

Wonder if it's too late to enter :(
Sep 23, 2010 12:56am PDT