Refresh Thread
By: TroZ legacy 10 yearslegacy 20 yearsmercury ultra mega x

This is a Dwarf Fortress level converted by my DF2Minecraft program, mapped with Cartograph.
This is probably one of the most masterfully made Dwarf Fortress Fortresses. Many of the details don't convert well as there is only a few stone types in Minecraft, while Dwarf Fortress has nearly 200, when many having different shades or tints that show up in game. Compare it to the screenshot made with a 3d renderer made for Dwarf Fortress: http://i36.tinypic.com/34rd1c5.jpg

Here are the worlds, taken at different heights:
Specifically, that is from the 'groundlevel' world.

Can someone make a correct Oblique render of this using Ozio mapper, or whatever it is called?

If you want to explore the world, you'll probably need this map:
Sep 14, 2010 2:04pm PDT