XCOM Series Videos


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The Bureau: XCOM Declassified Last Defense trailer

Our last line of defense rests upon the shoulders of Special Agent William Carter and the able men of The Bureau. But a wrong order can mean death for not only Carter’s men, but humanity as well.

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The Bureau: XCOM Declassified Call the Shots trailer

Use your squad mates with The Bureau: XCOM Declassified's Battle Focus ability to win engagements without discharging your weapon.

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XCOM: Enemy Unknown iOS launch trailer

2K Games and Firaxis officially launch the full version of XCOM: Enemy Unknown for the iPhone and iPad.

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The Bureau: XCOM Declassified Battle Focus trailer

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified announces new digital content with pre-orders, along with a new Battle Focus trailer.

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The Bureau: XCOM Declassified universe developer diary

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified reveals the backstory of its universe with this developer diary from 2K Marin.

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The Bureau: XCOM Declassified Origins trailer

Witness the continuing radical evolution of 2K Marin's upcoming The Bureau: XCOM Declassified in this Origins trailer.

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XCOM: Enemy Unknown iOS announce trailer

Firaxis and 2K Games brings XCOM: Enemy Unknown to the iPad and iPhone in a new developer walkthrough!