Jim Walls Reloaded News


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Precinct cancels Kickstarter, opens tiered crowdfunding

By Steve Watts, Aug 06, 2013 6:00pm PDT

Precinct, the indie title from Police Quest creator Jim Walls, has canceled its Kickstarter campaign and started up its own tiered funding model. The new model rewards backers with working demos based on different phases of development.


"I don't really care about the process, just call me when it's done."

- avatar_58 see all 4 comments

Police Quest creator crowdfunding Precinct

By Alice O'Connor, Jul 16, 2013 9:15am PDT

The folks behind Space Quest have crowdfunded a rebirth of their adventure game series, and here comes another Sierra 'Quest' classic. Police Quest creator Jim Walls is looking for $500,000 to fund his new first-person police procedural, named Precinct.


"The only Police Quest he did was Police Quest 4 though. After that, it quickly became SWAT, ..."

- gzubluck see all 17 comments