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Moving Hazard video shows the tools of the zombie-controlling trade
Zombies will be some of your best allies in the upcoming Moving Hazard and a new video is showing just how players will be able to control the undead to do their bidding.
READ MORE >Meet Moving Hazard, the zombie game where you command the zombies
Even Daryl Dixon wants to control these zombies.
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Nexuiz launch trailer
Posted Feb 27, 2012 12:22pm PST - 5,175 viewsNexuiz re-invigorates the arena first person shooter with a launch trailer, powered by the CryENGINE 3.
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Nexuiz launch trailer
Posted Feb 27, 2012 11:44am PST - 18 downloadsNexuiz re-invigorates the arena first person shooter with a launch trailer, powered by the CryENGINE 3.
Nexuiz gameplay trailer
Posted Feb 15, 2012 11:33am PST - 15 downloadsHave a look at some of the mutators coming to the shooter Nexuiz.