Guild Wars Series Videos


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Guild Wars 2 Gamescom 2011 trailer

The gorgeous Guild Wars 2 trailer from Gamescom 2011.

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Guild Wars 2 Engineer skills trailer

See the newly-revealed Engineer class in action.

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Guild Wars 2 Asura race featurette trailer

Descend into the depths of one of the greatest Asuran cities, Rata Sum, and take a short tour of the artisan dwellings.

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Guild Wars 2 Ascalonian Catacombs intro trailer

Enjoy the intro to the Ascalonian Catacombs raid in Guild Wars 2.

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Guild Wars 2 Lion's Arch reveal trailer

Return to the mighty city of Lion's Arch in Guild Wars 2. Or the new Lion's Arch, at least, as the old one's now under the sea.

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Guild Wars 2 Mesmer skills trailer

See the mighty Mesmer, Guild Wars 2's final class to be revealed, in action.

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Guild Wars 2 pre-order trailer

Related Topics – NCSoft, ArenaNet, Guild Wars Series

Celebrating the opening of Guild Wars 2 pre-orders, which pack guaranteed access to beta weekends.

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Guild Wars 2 Growing the Sylvari trailer

Guild Wars 2 game design Ree Soesbee discusses the history of the new Sylvari race, while ArenaNet artist Kristen Perry talks about the design of the Sylvari.