Demiurge Studios Videos


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Shoot Many Robots launch trailer

For decades, the robot factories remained dormant, until one day they begin to mass produce armies of violent automatons. Now, P. Walter Tugnut must stop them with his cache of guns, ammo, and beer.

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Shoot Many Robots customization trailer

Learn how to customize P. Walter Tugnut as he takes on hordes of killer robots in the side-scrolling Shoot Many Robots.

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Shoot Many Robots evolution developer diary

Demiurge Studios discusses the evolution of Shoot Many Robots, where players must take on waves of renegade automatons.

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Shoot Many Robots meet the robots trailer

P. Walter Tugnut is on a singular mission to Shoot Many Robots after a factory sporadically starts to churn out killer automatons.

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Shoot Many Robots 'Render this developer diary' Trailer

Go behind the development process of Shoot Many Robots to look at bug discovery and tracking.

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Shoot Many Robots 'Announcement' Trailer

Well, you heard the nice title. Shoot Many Robots as P. Walter Tugnut as killer machine beasts roll off the assembly line with no time to spare.