I bet Dave Thomas is rolling in his grave right now: A review of Wendy's new fries

I bet Dave Thomas is rolling in his grave right now: A review of Wendy's new fries

What ass-clown signed off on these awful new french fries? 

[deleted] 1324565298

Dear Wendy's, why do you keep doing bonehead shit? First, you let Dave Thomas pass away. Then you got rid of the fuckin superbar. If that wasn't enough, you ditched the yellow cups and fry containers. Now you go and ruin the only decent fast food fries because of whining from social media dipshits. Now you serve the same potato-esque garbage they have at Burger King. Nice job saving 7 cents per serving on your Sysco truck order. We know you won't use the savings to pay your front line workers a living wage.

You know, if it weren't for the bomb-ass chili you still offer, there would be no reason to ever visit a Wendy's again. Can't wait until your board of clowns takes it off the menu for some dumb-ass wrap or flavored coffee.

The rest of this essay will be gifs that convey the way I feel about 2021 Wendy's.

And Wendy's - should you write this off as drivel from some entitled millenial, I'll have you know that my grandmother, were she still alive, would agree with me 100% and would write Dave Thomas a letter about the matter. And I have no doubts he wold have responded personally, because he was a great man. Be better 2021 super Corpo Wendy's.

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