Patron of Lost Causes god roll - Destiny 2
This Season of the Lost workhorse gets a glow up to its god rolls for PvE and PvP.
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This Season of the Lost workhorse gets a glow up to its god rolls for PvE and PvP.
The re-release of Line in the Sand is a great return to form for an old favourite Linear Fusion Rifle.
A Guardians favorite Heavy Burst Sidearm makes its return with these PvE and PvP god rolls.
This fan favorite returns to the top of the Hand Cannon wishlist with these PvE and PvP god rolls.
Crimil's Dagger is back and better than ever with these PvE and PvP god rolls.
Shadow Price returns again with another powerful god roll for PvE and PvP.
Deal massive explosive damage with these PvE and PvP god rolls.
Get your claws into these powerful PvE and PvP god rolls.
A new challenger to the top brass of Linear Fusion Rifles has arrived.
Put enemies on ice with this Stasis Sword god roll.