How To Get Coins in Overwatch

There's a particular cosmetic item that has caught your eye, but it costs 1000 coins. But how do you earn coins in Overwatch? We're here to help!


Overwatch players should be well versed in the ways of Loot Boxes, but one feature that isn’t made completely clear by Blizzard is the game’s currency system. While players are able to unlock skins, victory poses, sprays, and more through opening Loot Boxes, those who really need a particular cosmetic item can use currency to unlock whatever it is they feel would improve their Overwatch experience.

So how exactly does one acquire currency in order to purchase the Overwatch cosmetic item of their dreams? Read on.

Dolla Dolla Bill Y'all

As of Overwatch’s release, there’s no way to purchase in-game currency. The only thing you can purchase with real-world money are Loot Boxes, although those offer random cosmetic items and don’t guarantee you the skin, victory pose, or anything else that you really want. The only real way to receive your item is through Overwatch’s optional currency system.

There are two ways you can earn currency in Overwatch. The first way is to receive currency directly from within a Loot Box, which have four levels of rarity: Common (White), Rare (Blue), Epic (Purple), and Legendary (Gold). Common Loot Boxes will reward you with 50 coins, Rare has 100 coins, Epic will give you 150 coins, and Legendary gives 500 coins.

The second way you can earn coins is by receiving a duplicate of a cosmetic item you already own. This is a slower way to earn coins as duplicate items don’t give players as many coins. For example: common items net players 5 coins and rare items will earn you 15 coins.

Your Watch Has Only Just Begun

We know you’re probably dying to purchase a particular cosmetic item, but remember that your watch has only just begun. The currency system has been introduced as a way for Blizzard to keep the progression system for cosmetic items to be a slow burn. You’re not going to get the item you want in a day, but instead, it’s going to take you a lot of time in order to purchase a cosmetic item using its currency system.

We recommend you take it one day at a time with Overwatch and keep your fingers crossed with each Loot Box you open up. We think it would be better to take your chances opening Loot Boxes than actually attempting to purchase a cosmetic item that costs 1000 coins.

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