Far Cry 3 single-player review: 10-ton guerrilla
We go on a tropical vacation turned horribly wrong in Far Cry 3, Ubisoft Montreal's latest entry in the open-world first-person-shooter series. Is it a fun experience, the definition of insanity, or both?

This Far Cry 3 single-player review is based on a near-final PC review copy provided by the publisher, and additional impressions via near-final Xbox 360 review code. Far Cry 3 comes out for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 on December 4. Far Cry 3 also features a number of multiplayer modes, including a separate 4-player co-op campaign, but we've opted to review those elements after the game's official release.
Jeff Mattas posted a new article, Far Cry 3 single-player review: 10-ton guerrilla.
We go on a tropical vacation turned horribly wrong in Far Cry 3, Ubisoft Montreal's latest entry in the open-world first-person-shooter series. Is it a fun experience, the definition of insanity, or both?-
Having played a lot of Far Cry 1, Far Cry: Instincts, Instincts: "Evolution", and Far Cry 2 (I never finished "Evolution" but I finished the others multiple times) I really hope it's more like Far Cry 2.
Also looking forward to messing around with the Sandbox editor again.
I never missed anything from the earlier games that I didn't do in Far Cry 2 (except for the tropical setting, which I didn't really miss). I can't think of anything I did in the earlier games that I didn't get to experience similarly in Far Cry 2. Except getting raped by Trigens.
"Enemy encampments are also fun to take down, and some are much easier than others. Once cleared, the encampment becomes a fast-travel location, allowing you to reach certain areas of the map more quickly. A captured camp also has the benefit of eliminating enemy activity in the surrounding area, which is handy if you're getting tired of being ambushed by random enemy patrols. Capturing camps fed into a great sense of progression for me, as I watched my efforts pay off in a tangible way."
Thank god! I hated this about Far Cry 2, the constant predictable respawn. Respawn wouldn't be so bad if it was a "beat them back, they slowly grow" kind of thing, but it was too repetitive. -
CoP is in many ways better than SoC. There are some differences that I found annoying at first having skipped CS, but the A-Life system got a major overhaul making it much more immersive in my opinion. In CoP I would often just go wandering around to see what I'd run into.
And OMG, blowouts were scary at first. :)