Duke Nukem Forever demo out now on PC, 360
Duke's demo launched on Xbox 360 in the wee small hours of the morning, is now available on PC via Steam, and will be out on PS3 "as soon as possible."
Given Duke Nukem Forever's lengthy development, its release last week was inevitably going to lead to controversy. While different corners of the Internet still curse or praise Duke's return, there's one easy way to see for yourself--play the demo, out today.
The Xbox 360 demo is now available from the Xbox Live Marketplace, presently exclusive to Live Gold subscribers. The PC demo is also out now, available from Steam.
On the PlayStation 3 front, publisher 2K Games notes, "We are currently working with Sony to get the demo out as soon as possible too."
The demo was first made available on June 3, exclusively to members of Duke's First Access Club. Essentially, those members had to pay for access to the demo.
The launch of Duke Nukem Forever last week was fittingly dramatic for the culmination of fifteen years of hype and anticipation. Negative reviews, including our own, were equally praised and reviled as the corners of the Internet split into separate warring factions. Just another day in the life of the Internet.
Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Duke Nukem Forever demo out today on PC, 360.
Duke's demo launched on Xbox 360 in the wee small hours of the morning, lands on PC later this morning, and will be out on PS3 "as soon as possible."-
it really doesn't represent the game well at all. you play through the first level--a modern version of dn3d's battle with the cycloid emperor--and then a brief driving segment and some on-foot action, the latter of which is quite atypical for the game in style. the boss battle in the demo will feel familiar as you play through the game but otherwise it is a very hollow type of 'preview' demo. not enough time to get a feel for the game's atmosphere, humor, pacing, etc. no time to play with the interactive bits either.