Shack PSA: 50% off Nation Red on Steam to Celebrate New Co-op Mode

To celebrate the addition of local and online co-op modes to its top-down zombie arena shooter Nation Red, developer DiezelPower is offering a 50% discount on Steam which brings the game to $4.99 for a single copy or $14.98 for a co-op tastic four-pack.

The top-down shooter mostly involves blowing away hideous undead monsters, as you might imagine, though you'll also get to level up within each round to gain a number of handy perks and unlock increasingly brutal and wonderful weapons.

While the zombie apocalypse is nigh-on inevitable, the offer ends on Thursday.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 11, 2010 12:04 PM

    Is this from the same people as Zombie Driver? Because from the short video I saw the world looks similar, with the effects and the colors.

    I also don't like how every game now needs fat zombies (best exploding or vomiting). But thats just me and has nothing to do with this really.

    The game looks interesting enough, does anyone play it? I never heard about it.

    • reply
      August 11, 2010 12:14 PM

      Completely different people.

      I picked up Nation Red yonks ago when I was looking for some blasty arena shooty fun. It was enjoyable, with plenty of perks, weapons and explosions. Trying out different 'builds' was decent. I didn't play much beyond the original campaign because I lost interest but I think co-op should definitely add spice, interest and a dash of longevity. Depending on how much you and your chums like this sort of thing.

      • reply
        August 11, 2010 12:37 PM

        What exactly is a yonk?

        • reply
          August 11, 2010 12:38 PM

          Never mind, urbandictionary for the win.
          3 months and 13 days.

      • reply
        August 11, 2010 1:33 PM

        agreed. I got into the top 100 or so on the timed modes and after that, I didn't feel like playing much anymore.
        Coop would bring me back.

        • reply
          August 12, 2010 9:40 PM

          Coop only supports a max of two people... Why they sold it in a four pack alludes me...

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