How to use console commands and cheats - Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

I'm sure honor is of vital importance to Henry, but a free horse is a free horse!


Times have changed in gaming, there is no doubt. Many games lock their inner workings away from players, but Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 allows us to dive in and have a wiggle with the cogs, figuring out what might make us fly or give us lots of money. Ostensibly a tool for developers to test a game, console commands also give players an easy way to have some fun.

How to use console commands and cheats in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

The command console in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Source: Shacknews

The first thing you will need to do is set the game to run in developer mode, or else you won't be able to access the console. Needless to say, this can only be done on a PC. Sorry, console folks.

  • Right-click the game in your Steam library
  • Select Properties
  • In the box below launch options, type "-devmode"

Now, when you run the game, you will be able to open the console by hitting the tilde key (`), which is just below the Esc key on most keyboards.

You can then type in the following to enjoy some free items, gold, or even saves.

Command Effect
wh_cheat_money X Replace X with a number to have that much gold added to your inventory.
wh_pl_LockPickingShakeOverride = 0 This will stop shaking while lockpicking, making your life much easier. Set to 1 to turn it back on.
wh_ui_showHUD = 0 A simple way to turn off the HUD, but the game does have a photo mode. Set to 1 to turn it back on.
wh_rpg_getLocation This will give you your exact map coordinates that you can record. Use "goto" and those cordinates to just teleport back whenever you like.
wh_cheat_addItem X If you have an Item ID, replace the X with it to add said item to your inventory. 
cheat_set_wanted_level=0 Have you been doing crime? This will reset your wanted level and get those pesky soldiers off your back.

wh_sys_NoSavePotion = 1

You can manually save the game without using a Saviour Schnapps.

To see a full list of the console commands, just open the console and input ?_, and this will bring back a full list, but it is quite dense. 

One word of warning. It can be hard to know what console commands and saving odd values of certain items might do to save files, so thread carefully. It is highly unlikely, but just in case something did upset a save file, I'd hate for you to lose all your progress.

If you found this useful, be sure to check out our Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 page for more help.

Contributing Guides Editor

Hailing from Ireland, Aidan has been conditioned by local weather conditions to survive hours at his PC grinding through whatever game is offering the lowest possible drop rates for loot. He thinks the easiest way to figure out what fans of games want to read is to just be a fan of games. You can normally find him logged into Warframe, Destiny, or a gacha game. You can reach out to him on X @scannerbarkly.

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