How to level up fast in Escape from Tarkov

A quick guide to fast leveling in Escape from Tarkov.


The main way of progressing through Escape from Tarkov is by leveling up. This is how you unlock new offers from traders, quests, things to build for your hideout, and most importantly the Fleamarket. It is a long, arduous journey to level 15 and beyond so we’ve compiled a guide to make it a little easier.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Shows the empty streets of Tarkov's Streets of Tarkov Map
Just because you see or hear no one, doesn't mean the streets are empty.
Source: Battlestate Games

“Don’t panic” should probably flash at the start of every Tarkov escape attempt. You might see your favorite streamer hit level 20 in a day or so but unless you plan to turn Escape from Tarkov into your job, it's gonna take some time. The methods listed here aren't all optimal but a combination of all of them should get you to the point where you’re no longer staring at the wall that is the level 1 to level 15 grind.

Do Tasks

Shows Escape from Tarkov NPC Ragman who sells players equipment.
Get used to these friendly faces, you're gonna see them a lot.
Source: Battlestate Games

Tasks are not only a way to get new gear, money, and other goodies but also a great way to get experience points (EXP). The Marathon Tasks added with 0.15 which ask you to complete various objectives across several maps can give you several levels' worth of EXP if you have the manpower and skill to complete them early. Generally, these tasks will send you to one of Tarkov’s many locations or ask you to complete challenges.

When heading out you want to tackle as many tasks as possible. Where you spawn on the map will usually dictate in which order you want to tackle them. Early maps like Ground Zero or Customs are fairly contested at the lower levels and early stages of the wipe so unless you bring a team you might want to try one of our other methods. If you're struggling with an objective, going into a raid during in-game nighttime is always an option. Low visibility and more dangerous enemies can make it more of a challenge but players tend to avoid looking for PvP during the night. 

Just Loot and Kill

Shows Escape from Tarkov's Ground Zero map with war-torn streets and burning skyscrapers.
Ground Zero offers lots of opportunities to shoot and loot Scavs.
Source: Battlestate Games

Looting and killing people is the bread and butter of Escape from Tarkov. By just playing the game you accumulate a lot of EXP so unless you have a task that requires you to exfiltrate or a rare item you need, stay. Try going for some kills, loot, or explore the map. Fighting other PMCs can be rough but once more Scavs and other AI enemies spawn later into the raid, you’ll have a much easier time getting EXP. Headshots, player kills and bosses will reward you with extra EXP but are not always worth going for. When you can get them, get them but staying alive as long as possible should be your priority. As for looting, you get EXP just for searching through anything, and for the first time a type of item within that raid. Even if you don't extract with the items you'll still get experience points for it and if you find something valuable or an item you need for a quest, you can always put it into your secure container to take it out of the raid even if you die.

Play Arena

Shows the Tarkov Area Airport Map where players fight each other in a half-dismantled plane.
Arena's firefights are fast and furious but also very lucrative.
Source: Battlestate Games

If you’re confident in your PvP abilities, heading into Escape from Tarkov’s spinoff Tarkov Arena might be for you. Playing the mode Last Hero on the bigger maps will give you a fast way to get EXP and money if you can handle the grind. Depending on how good you are, you can get up to 10,000 EXP per round and level up your reputation with the trader Ref. This comes at the cost of progressing your Hideout or getting any important task progression with other traders but it's also a great way to level your combat skills and get some money before you start. However, playing this way requires you to buy Tarkov Arena separately, unless you have the now-defunct Edge of Darkness Edition. Benefits from playing Tarkov Arena are not available when playing PvE.

Ultimately, a mixture of all these options will let you progress the fastest. If you’re sick of doing Jaeger’s stupid quests, head into the Arena to blow off some steam or try and get some kills on Factory.

For more on Escape from Tarkov, make sure to check out our other guides such as our detailed breakdown of the Ground Zero Map and what you should look out for before getting started.

Contributing Editor

Timo is an avid enjoyer of all things video games hailing from Germany. After being abandoned as a child on the Rolanberry Fields of Final Fantasy XI, they have developed an undying love for the digital worlds of MMOs. But if you can't find them crafting up a storm in Final Fantasy XIV, you'll probably find them workshopping combos in action/fighting games or being extremely passionate about the latest mobile title.

Outside of gaming, Timo is usually skimming through the Criterion Collection or praying to whatever Eldritch horror that their latest favorite manga doesn't get damaged in shipping. You can find live reactions to all of that on Blusky

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