Big Larry the Legendary Channel Catfish locations - Call of the Wild: The Angler

Published , by Bill Lavoy

Every week the Angler sees one Legendary fish in each reserve become active. Typically, this runs on a three-week rotation, so you can reliably find any Legendary fish you’re looking for every three weeks. In this guide, I’m going to show you the locations that Big Larry the Legendary Channel Catfish can spawn, allowing you to chase after him if nobody has found his location yet. This will also be a handy guide if you’d like to chase Larry on your own and don’t want to have his exact location spoiled.

Last updated: March 28, 2024 at 5:40 p.m. EDT. This guide was compiled with information from The Angler Discord.

Big Larry the Legendary Channel Catfish locations

Below are map images of Golden Ridge Reserve with Big Larry’s potential spawn points circled on them. Please note that fish do swim around, so you could find Larry just outside of the marker as he moves about. Just because one angler caught him on the north side of the bridge doesn’t mean he won’t be on the south side for you.

Eisenhower Dam

Big Larry can spawn just off the Eisenhower Dam in GRR. You can often see him in the water if visibility is good.

Fair Feet

Please keep in mind Big Larry can be on both sides of the bridge, and is often visible during the day time.

Eaten Sheep

This is one of the more open spots you can find Big Larry, so don't be afraid to reposition your boat.

Prosperity's Springs

Once again, Big Larry can be on both sides of the bridge, or even under it. Do a thorough check of the area.

Those aren’t all the locations that Big Larry can spawn at, but they are a good place to start. I’ll be adding more locations as they become active, so every time you check back to this guide it will be more reliable for your Big Larry hunting needs.