TerraTech Worlds lets you craft factories on alien worlds with modular dune buggies

Published , by TJ Denzer

TerraTech Worlds is a brave new step forward for Payload Studios. The original TerraTech has been kicking around since 2018, but Worlds is meant to step up the game as fans may know it, graphically, functionally, and otherwise. It’s not just a pretty new factory builder. It’s a highly modular game full of lessons learned by the studio from the first TerraTech, and we had the opportunity to give it a go ahead of its early access release.

Prospecting pretty planets

The move between TerraTech and TerraTech Worlds is more than just a name change, though the base concept remains. Players take on the role of prospectors in modular buggies known as Techs. We are dropped on alien worlds where we’ll gather resources, build bases, upgrade our Techs, and generally grow our industrial efforts into a highly advanced and automated facilities. To do that, you’ll need to grow your Techs as well, upgrading them with modular parts to help you venture further, collect more, and defend yourself from the dangers of the alien frontier. That includes fighting off, destroying, or even stealing from roving enemy Techs.

The first thing that easily stands out from the first TerraTech is just how beautiful this game looks over its predecessor. With an upgraded look to it, including new shaders and effects on vehicles and factory equipment, as well as upgraded details on the planets around, TerraTech Worlds looks like it’s had quite the glow-up coming out of the gate. It’s not that the first game doesn’t look good, but put the original TerraTech and Worlds side-by-side and it’s easy to see the sheer difference in visual quality the team has brought to Worlds.

Source: Payload Studios

TerraTech Worlds felt fun to play alone or with others. Payload Studios made sure there was plenty for single players to do as you master planets and grow your industry on them. Our time in the preview build allowed us to follow a long series of goals on both a tutorial and first planet where we learned the ropes and gained the knowledge we needed to build rudimentary bases. It ends up hitting that satisfying loop where you’ll go out, find the resources you need, mine them out of the natural world (or steal them from enemy Techs), and bring them back home to power or craft a new machine for your base, opening up new opportunities throughout your tech tree.

The process becomes even more expedited, but also allows for specialization, when you play with friends. TerraTech World allows easy modding of your vehicles via a smart snap system. You have a certain limit the reactor of your vehicle can handle for parts and power (and your reactor is upgradeable to make even more heavy-duty vehicles), but as long as you stay under limit, you can arrange any vehicle bits and pieces you have as you see fit, turning it into formidable platforms for mining, combat, and other purposes. That means being able to coordinate with your friends to make machines that specialize differently, like one Tech bristling with mining gear or tether equipment and another serving as a transport platform. You could even have a friend arm their Tech to the teeth with weaponry to fend off would-be attackers.

Source: Payload Studios

You’ll need some firepower, too. As you explore the worlds and expand your reach, you’ll run into AI controlled Techs scouring the land. They’ll be hostile towards you if you get too close. However, if you destroy them, there are often resources or Tech parts to be plundered. You can avoid them if you want, but the siren’s call of easily obtained parts and resources is more than a little difficult to ignore as you spin up your industry.

A whole new (TerraTech) world

Source: Payload Studios

TerraTech Worlds looks off to an ambitious start. Payload Studios has said it doesn’t intend to stop developing for the original TerraTech at all, but it also has an extensive list of plans laid out in a TerraTech Worlds roadmap on its Steam page, including new biomes, building on water, boss battle Techs, and aerial combat options. With Worlds about to enter Early Access, it feels like a cool new chapter for TerraTech either way, and one in which you might want to bring a few friends along for the ride as you build, develop, and battle your way across beautiful alien landscapes.

This preview is based on an early PC digital copy supplied by the publisher. TerraTech Worlds will be available on PC via Steam Early Access starting on March 22, 2024.