Lite-Brite shows off its Pikachu and Stranger Things designs

Published , by Sam Chandler

Pokemon is the chocolate of the video game industry, it goes together beautifully with so many things. Then there’s Stranger Things, a television series that dominates online discourse every time a new season drops. What do these things have in common? Why, Lite-Brite of course! The iconic toy from 1967 has a host of fantastic light-based toys that let fans of the aforementioned series, and more, create brilliant art pieces. Take a look at the Lite-Brite booth tour below!

Taking us on this tour is Maureen Dilger, vice president, global brand marketing at Basic Fun. Dilger blessed us with a faithful rendition of the Lite-Brite song before taking us on a tour of everything on offer from Basic Fun in the Lite-Brite range.

Lite-Brite has a couple of different LED specifications in its toys. Fans of the OG will remember a chunkier bulb, which is great for those users who are still developing their fine motor skills. But the company has also created a smaller LED, which allows for far more detail in the designs. Think of it like switching from SD to HD – more pixels per square inch!

With this finer detail, Lite-Brite set out to create some fantastic designs and templates, and even partner with some world-renowned brands. Take, for example, Lite-Brite’s Pokemon line. Dilger gives us a look at a cute Pikachu design featuring love hearts. The back of the box reveals there are a few other Pikachu designs as well as a Snorlax, Blastoise, and Pokeball.

There is plenty on offer in the Lite-Brite range of toys, so make sure you check out the video and see what jumps out at you! Find the right Lite-Brite to illuminate your world on the Basic Fun site. You can also check out our Shacknews and Shacknews Interviews YouTube channels for more booth tours, reviews, guides, and other goodies!