SAG-AFTRA signs agreement with Replica Studios regarding AI voice-acting in games

Published , by TJ Denzer

SAG-AFTRA and software company Replica Studios have signed an agreement in regards to voice actor AI performance replication. AI in voice-acting, art, and entertainment in general has been a hot button issue and SAG-AFTRA has been in heated negotiations with various companies about its use. With this agreement, rights and compensation have been secured for voice actors whose voice and likenesses are used in AI replication for video game projects.

SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director and chief negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland and Replica Studios CEO Shreyas Nivas shared details about the agreement at CES 2024, as shared by Deadline. Terms of the deal include the digital voice replica creation and their use in games. It includes various safeguards for voice actors, such as consent for creation of digital voice replicas, a minimum rate for the actors to be paid, and the length of use before further payment and consent is required. It also demands safe storage of voice actor data and transparency on what the content will be used for.

SAG-AFTRA's deal with Replica Studios regarding compensation for use of voice-acting AI replicas will go into effect as it continues to negotiate with video game companies under threat of strike.
Source: SAG-AFTRA News

Artificial intelligence has been a hot topic around recent SAG-AFTRA negotiations. Where the guild came to terms with various entertainment companies to end a strike in 2023, it also authorized a strike in regards to video game companies that might use AI performances without compensation or consent. Crabtree-Ireland indicated that SAG-AFTRA could end up on strike against major video game companies, including Activision Productions Inc., Disney Character Voices Inc., Electronic Arts Productions Inc., Epic Games, Inc., Insomniac Games Inc., Take-Two Productions Inc., and WB Games Inc. That is, unless those companies come to the table like Replica did.

“I expect that that agreement will need to either move forward, or we’ll be seeing more activity in that area in the coming weeks,” Crabtree-Ireland said. “I’m hopeful and optimistic that video game companies will learn from the example presented by Replica. Let’s hope that’s the case.”

It will indeed remain to be seen if that is indeed the case, especially with Activision now having the backing of Microsoft. Nonetheless, the deal between SAG-AFTRA and Replica looks like a positive step forward in regards to AI voice-acting and compensation. Stay tuned for further updates as they become available.