Cities: Skylines 2 devs address performance issues & plans in Q&A

Published , by TJ Denzer

Cities: Skylines 2 is out in the wild, allowing players the opportunity to explore the extensive new city builder and see everything it has to offer, but performance issues have reared their ugly heads in early days. The developers recently went on Reddit to address the game’s issues and share what comes next with fans. Colossal Order also answered fan questions about specific issues in the game and when they can expect to be fixed.

Colossal Order did a Reddit AMA over on the official Cities: Skylines Subreddit. There, the developers began by sharing a foundational plan of what they’ll be fixing in Cities: Skylines 2 first, as well as what comes after.

Colossal Order has a long list of plans to improve on performance of Cities: Skylines 2 and make it available to as many PCs as possible.
Source: Paradox Interactive

Colossal Order had some other interesting things to say about future plans and optimizations of Cities: Skylines 2 as well. To one user who asked if there would be DLSS support in the future, the devs said that it’s currently in the works. To another user who asked if they needed to buy a new laptop for Cities: Skylines 2, the team shared that it’s working to make the game available to as wide a variety of hardware as possible. In their words, “as long as the hardware is not so old that the CPU has enough cores and the GPU is compatible with DX11,” they hope to make Cities: Skylines 2 compatible with most systems.

We enjoyed Cities: Skylines 2 in our Shacknews review, though we admit it wasn’t quite as perfect as we felt it could have been. Nonetheless, it sounds like the game has a long road to get better over time. We’ll see how it turns out and share any updates as they happen. Stay tuned.