Ra Ra Boom is a beat 'em up about ninja cheerleaders from space

Published , by Bill Lavoy

Few games can stick the landing like a good beat ‘em up. There’s just something about that fast-paced action mixed with co-op that resonates with players in a way that most games can’t. Enter Ra Ra Boom, a beat ‘em up from Gylee Games about ninja cheerleaders from space who are tasked with saving the rest of humanity on Earth.

Gylee Games brought Ra Ra Boom to GDC 2023, where Shacknews’ own Greg Burke had an opportunity to interview Chris Bergman, CEO, and Kim Edwards, Senior Producer, of Gylee Games. In this bite-sized interview Greg talked to the developers about the inspiration behind the game’s name, the lane system, and the target release date for Ra Ra Boom. Please take a look.

For more, you can head over and wishlist Ra Ra Boom on Steam, or read our Ra Ra Boom preview from GDC 2023. When you’re done, be sure to check out our Shacknews YouTube and our GamerHubTV YouTube channels.