Redfall story trailer introduces us to the vampire apocalypse

Published , by Donovan Erskine

We’re just a couple of months away from the release of Redfall, Arkane Studio’s co-op action game. The game follows a group of humans that hunt down powerful Vampires in the town of Redfall, Massachusetts, and that’s about all we knew about the story up until today’s new story trailer. Arkane has peeled back the curtain on the story, sharing character motivations and explaining how the world got to this point in the first place.

The new story trailer for Redfall was released on the Bethesda Softworks YouTube channel this morning. The trailer opens with narration from a woman off-screen. She explains that there was an idea that her blood possessed healing properties and could potentially cure people of the disease turning them into vampires.

Source: Bethesda Softworks

We also learn about the source of the vampiric outbreak. A company named Aevum was conducting experiments around the concept of immortality when things went awry. Details are still sparse, but it looks like corporate greed was a driving factor behind the end of the world as we knew it. It didn’t take long for the town of Redfall to go to hell. Factions were established as many citizens died and went missing. What’s left of Redfall is run by a handful of extremely powerful vampires: The Hollow Man, Bloody Tom, Miss Whisper, and The Black Sun.

With a better idea of what’s going on in the story, we’ll be more equipped to take back the town when Redfall launches on May 2, 2023. The trailer also provides a brief look at gameplay, showing off boss battles, weapons, and world traversal. As we get closer to release, stick with Shacknews for your Redfall news and updates.