Free League on The Walking Dead TTRPG, design & working with AMC

Published , by Morgan Shaver

The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game is an upcoming title from Free League and sees players exploring the post-apocalyptic world as featured in AMC’s television adaptation of the comics. It’ll offer those who played Free League’s other tabletop titles like Alien: The RPG a new take on its Year Zero system, and will offer a plethora of survival elements along with things like base-building as well.

Eager to learn more about the project, Shacknews’ own Greg Burke recently sat down with some of the team including Joe LeFavi, Lead Producer and Brand Manager on The Walking Dead TTRPG, along with Game Director, Mattias Johnsson Haake. Opening the interview, Greg asks about how the collaboration with AMC first came about. To this, Joe LeFavi explains that when Free League reached out to AMC and expressed real passion in making this sort of game, it made sense, especially given that many at AMC are gamers.

Mattias Johnsson Haake chimes in with his excitement at being part of the project as a long-standing fan of the series, and how he felt for a while it’d be fitting for a roleplaying game particularly one that’s geared more towards drama than action or heroism. The conversation of designing systems for the game comes up, along with the game’s upcoming Kickstarter campaign.  Answering the question of why Kickstarter, Haake states that the team has made over 30 Kickstarters, and have seen great success from them particularly in regards to their use as a marketing strategy.

Overall, the interview is a fascinating look into adapting The Walking Dead as a tabletop RPG, working with AMC, and the game’s upcoming Kickstarter. For more, be sure to watch the full interview video on the GamerHubTV YouTube channel. While you’re there, be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already, and subscribe to the Shacknews YouTube channel for even more informative video game-related content.