Elder Scrolls Online creative director on class design, community feedback & more

Published , by Morgan Shaver

If you’ve ever wanted to dive deeper into what goes into making Elder Scrolls Online such an engaging, content-rich experience you’ll certainly want to check out a recent interview with Rich Lambert, Creative Director at Zenimax Online Studios. Speaking to Lambert is Shacknews’ own Greg Burke who opens with a question on how the team decided to tackle things like the new Necrom chapter along with the addition of the new Arcanist class.

To this, Lambert responds that the team always looks back at what they’ve done previously before moving forward. Among what the team looked back on was High Isle, which Lambert explains to be more traditional fantasy with a storyline that’s a bit more grounded in reality given its political subject matter.

Lambert goes on to talk about the complexity of creating new classes for ESO including how one part that’s kept in mind is how the new class will fit in with the rest, while other areas looked at include wanting to make sure the new class also feels and plays differently. Lambert also comments on some of the technical challenges that come with introducing a new class and how there was a lot of work “under the hood that the engineering staff had to do.”

For more on how new classes are introduced into Elder Scrolls Online, the game’s new Necrom chapter, how the team takes community feedback into account, and more, be sure to check out the full interview with Zenimax’s Rich Lambert over on GamerHubTV. While you’re there, be sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, and subscribe to the Shacknews YouTube channel as well for even more awesome, informational gaming content.