Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Season 01 Battle Pass price and rewards

Published , by Larryn Bell

The launch of Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 marked the debut of the Season 01 Battle Pass, which introduces a multitude of rewards for players to unlock across both Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare 2. The Battle Pass has been revamped with a new Sector-based structure that gives players more agency in their progression. This guide will go over how the new Battle Pass works so that you can start unlocking new weapons and operators.

Battle Pass overview

The Season 01 Battle Pass does away with the linear structure of the past and now takes the form of a large map that is broken up into Sectors. Each Sector features several rewards that can be unlocked and claimed using Battle Tokens, which are earned through gameplay. The number of Battle Tokens you have is indicated by the Battle Token Bank, the hexagon in the lower right corner of the Battle Pass screen. Tokens can be earned through playing the game or purchased with real money.

The Battle Pass consists of 20 Sectors, with five rewards per Sector. Players will need 100 Battle Tokens to complete the full Battle Pass and get all of its rewards. The main reward of each Sector is called the High-Value Target (HVT). To unlock the HVT, you must first unlock the four rewards below it. Once you have unlocked all five items in a Sector, you can use your Battle Tokens to unlock an adjacent Sector on the map, like a branching tree. You can only unlock the green Sectors directly beside the ones you have already unlocked. This layout allows players to choose which rewards they want to prioritize first on the Battle Pass.

Battle Pass price

Although the Battle Pass is structurally different, it still consists of both a free and premium version. The base Battle Pass includes 20 free rewards for players to unlock. Upgrading to the premium Battle Pass grants access to all available rewards across all Sectors.

The Season 01 Battle Pass costs 1,100 COD Points (CP), which comes out to about $10 USD. Upgrading also grants access to the new Operator, Zeus. Those who unlock everything in the Battle Pass can earn back up to 1,400 CP, meaning that the Battle Pass essentially pays for itself.

Players can also upgrade to the Battle Pass Bundle, which costs 2,400 CP and comes with an additional 20 Battle Token Tier Skips to help you jumpstart your unlock progress. You still have to unlock and claim the rewards you want, but you will have more items to choose from with the premium versions.

Each season features its own exclusive Battle Pass, meaning the rewards are only available during the season. New seasons will bring new seasonal Battle Passes with more weapon and Operators for players to earn. Head over to our Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 page for more tips.