Elden Ring Version 1.07.1 patch notes aim to balance out Endure Ash of War

Published , by TJ Denzer

Nothing says “huge game” like a big patch with a ton of changes having unexpected consequences. Such was the case with the Endure Ash of War in Elden Ring. After its Version 1.07 patch, players found that Endure was suddenly a very viable and powerful ability to keep on hand. It was too much apparently, because now FromSoftware has come out with a hotfix update to level it out. Balancing to Endure and one other fix were introduced in Elden Ring Version 1.07.1, and we’ve got the patch notes right here with the details.

Elden Ring Version 1.07.1 patch notes

Endure's buff in 1.07 made this defensive Ash of War ability a little too abusable, so FromSoftware has reduced its duration in Version 1.07.1.
Source: Bandai Namco

FromSoftware and Bandai Namco rolled out Elden Ring Version 1.07.1 on all available platforms, as well as its accompanying patch notes, on October 25, 2022. It follows quickly on the heels of Elden Ring’s Version 1.07 update which introduced new balancing for weapons and gear in PVP combat vs. the regular game. It was in that update that Endure got itself a boost which increased its effect duration.

Endure lets players take a bracing stance to reduce incoming damage by 45 percent, as well as preventing staggers caused by Blood Loss and Frostbite statuses. Also, some attacks straight up deflect off of players using Endure, such as spear stabs. Increasing that effect allowed players to simply put up Endure and wait a little too long for incoming attacks before going on the offense. It has since been balanced out and you can see the full patch notes below:

Major Changes included in the latest patch

That covers these short-but-sweet patch notes in the Elden Ring Version 1.07.1 Update. Endure still looks strong, but it also looks less abusable. Will it affect the meta again? We’ll see soon enough. Stay tuned and be sure to check out our other Elden Ring coverage for updates and guides in the meantime.