Internet Game & Lionsgate team up on SAW game NFTs released on GameStop NFT Marketplace

Published , by TJ Denzer

It would appear that Lionsgate and metaverse developer Internet Game have partnered with GameStop to launch an NFT SAW game.

Despite the cooling of the NFT and cryptocurrency crazes over these last few months, GameStop remains dedicated to its NFT marketplace and developers continue to explore and design in the Web3 play-to-earn field. In fact, we’ve got a legendary horror franchise coming to GameStop’s NFT marketplace. SAW Games has been announced by metaverse/Web3 developer Internet Game and IP holder Lionsgate, and GameStop’s market place will be utilized to sell game passes for would-be players to participate.

Internet Game and Lionsgate announced the upcoming SAW Games on October 18, 2022, but the collaboration with GameStop's NFT Marketplace was announced this week. The SAW Games have been teased as a survival game in which players buy game passes to participate. Those who take part are tasked with being the last players standing in a gauntlet of deadly traps. Those who survive will walk away with SAW-themed prizes which include NFTs. The website’s official description of the game is as follows:

“SAW Games is the first interactive SAW experience where you and thousands of other people get to play Jigsaw’s games to try to survive. The winners escape with their lives, and with SAW-themed rewards, NFTS, and other prizes.”

GameStop is collaborating with Internet Game and Lionsgate to sell passes to the new SAW Games experience.
Source: Twitter

Prizes from the game include the opportunity to visit a SAW movie set, having one’s name appear in the next SAW film, getting to visit SAW: The Experience in London, and, of course, a number of NFTs from Bored Ape Yacht Club and Doodles, just to name a few.

With the collaboration with GameStop, would be players can head to the GameStop NFT Marketplace website to purchase game passes and participate in the SAW Games. With this experience rolling out, it looks like one of the next big things happening for GameStop’s NFT endeavors and the Web3 community. Stay tuned as we continue to follow for further NFT and cryptocurrency news and updates.