Kinetix lets users turn videos into 3D animations

Published , by Sam Chandler

One of the hurdles when getting into specific areas of video game design can be access to equipment and software. For those that want to dabble in animation, the team at Kinetix has an ingenious program that allows users to turn recorded video into animations. We had the opportunity to speak with Arthur Jacq, the Head of Marketing & Communications at Kinetix, about how the program works and allows more creatives into not just the video game field, but the world of 3D animations.

Kinetix allows users to upload footage to the website and then the data is processed online in the cloud. From here, the software analyzes the footage and can pull from it the human form and movement. What’s delivered is an animation that can be edited via the online platform including updating the avatar, adding props, and altering the background. Users can also export the file and use it in other editing programs like Unreal, Unity and many others.

The team doesn’t see this as a direct competitor to classic motion capture with tracking nodes and dozens of cameras. Instead, Kinetix is about giving 3D animation tools to a large audience across a variety of fields. For those that are looking to learn animation but have been overwhelmed with what’s on offer out there, Kinetix looks to be a fantastic resource.

For more interviews with developers across all technology areas, stop by the GamerHubTV YouTube channel. You can also find a wealth of gameplay content on the Shacknews channel. Stop by the Kinetix site to learn more.