Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered: With great power comes great PC requirements

Published , by Greg Burke

It’s been about four years since Marvel’s Spider-Man was released exclusively on PlayStation 4. Since then, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man has swung onto PlayStation 5, and now the webslinger will be gracing the rigs & towers of the PC ecosystem. Does Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered bring with it everything you’d want into a PC port? Or Are you better left to leaving this remaster in Ravencroft asylum. These are our impressions.

Your Friendly Neighbor PC Port!

Source: Steam

Insomniac Games has finally released Marvel’s Spider-Man for PC and it comes with a long list of features that any PC enthusiast would be happy to have. The PC version features optimized graphics, on a wide range of builds, including NVIDIA DLSS, DLAA, ray-tracing, improved shadows, ultra-wide monitor support, keyboard and mouse support, as well as PlayStation and Xbox controller options. Furthermore, there are gameplay and accessibility options.

While these additions are sure to please those who have waited for the PC port, the specs for 4K/60fps with ray-tracing on are still pretty high. Even my rig was barley under the recommended spec for full 4K/60fps with ray -tracing. I kept my setting to Ultra at 2K, and pretty much was able to maintain 60fps with ray-tracing in all areas.

As for the ray-tracing reflections, they looked great, especially in areas with pools of water, marble floors and even the windows throughout the city. It simply looks gorgeous. You’ll get lost web-slinging through the environments, looking at the reflections and the sunsets as the light rays scatter between the buildings.


Source: Steam

While all these features are a great addition, the experience isn’t flawless. I encountered some graphical issues during the cutscenes as well as audio problems. Sometimes voice lines were skipped or characters talked over each other. Thankfully, these issue did not plague every cinematic.

Because these are technical issues, I feel confident in saying that patches can likely address these problems. During my time playing, there were patches and updates coming out, so Insomniac Games is certainly ironing out any wrinkles. The good news is that these were minor issues that didn’t affect the gameplay.

The Spectacular Spider-Man!

Source: Steam

The PC port of Marvel’s Spider-Man also has the DLC from the PlayStation version. This includes the Heist, Turf Wars, and Silver Lining. Unfortunately, this PC package is not one that includes Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales. PC players may have to wait a while longer to experience that on their powerful rigs. It would certainly be good to see more titles from the PlayStation ecosystem make their way to PC.

One thing to keep in mind before you purchase is the $59.99 USD price tag and the fact the game is best experienced at high settings. If your PC can’t meet the minimum requirements to handle 4k/60fps and ray-tracing, it could be better to opt for the PlayStation version. However, even if you do run Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered at lower settings, the game is still a treat.

Overall, Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered on PC is a fantastic port, even if we did have to wait four years for it to arrive. With a bevy of settings and accessibility options, long-time fans of Spider-Man and PC enthusiasts would do well to pick it up. Now excuse me while I get more 4k photos of Spider-Man.