Saints Row creative director on moving forward without forgetting the past

Published , by Morgan Shaver

With a brand new Saints Row game on the horizon, fans of the series have been understandably eager for any and all nuggets of information on what to expect. For example, how will the game stack up to previous titles? What will be new about it? These questions were high on the list during a recent interview with Volition creative director for Saints Row, Brian Traficante featuring our own Blake Morse and Kevin Dunsmore from Hardcore Gamer.

The new Saints Row will still feel like a Saints Row game, but is also taking a fresh approach with its characters and story.

© Volition

In the interview, Traficante talks about how the team has been inspired by past games and how it’s been a delicate balance in rebooting the franchise with the upcoming Saints Row title. Specifically, how the team still wants it to feel like a recognizable Saints Row game.

Elaborating further on what the new Saints Row game is all about, Traficante explains:

If this concept and premise has you intrigued and you want to learn more, we highly recommend watching the full interview with Brian Traficante on GamerHub TV. It’s packed with over 17 minutes of information, and can help give you a better idea as to what else you can expect from the new Saints Row game. While you’re checking out the interview, if you aren’t already, be sure to subscribe to GamerHub TV and the Shacknews YouTube for even more awesome interviews like this one.