Overwatch 2 Beta July 11 patch notes rework Mercy and Moira

Published , by Donovan Erskine

Overwatch 2 is currently in the middle of a beta, where fans around the world are getting their hands on the latest iteration of Blizzard's hero shooter. As feedback rolls in, the developers continue to tweak and adjust the game in hopes of making it the most balanced experience possible. With that, Blizzard has deployed a major update to the Overwatch 2 Beta, which reworks Mercy and Moira, and addresses a handful of smaller issues.

Overwatch 2 July 11 Beta patch notes

The Overwatch 2 Beta July 11 patch notes went live on July 11 on all platforms. Here is the full list of changes found in the patch.






Guardian Angel

The previous iteration of Guardian Angel led to less control for the player overall, often launching Mercy into danger or out of Resurrect range. This version keeps player intent at the forefront while still allowing for vertical mobility without sacrificing control input simplicity.


Moira’s strengths lie in her extreme survivability, high healing throughput, and consistent damage output, but other supports have at least one utility option or play-making ability. To remedy this, Biotic Orb has been split into two abilities on separate cooldowns: Biotic Orb and Necrotic Orb. Due to Necrotic Orb’s potential to shut down many Ultimates and heavily swing duels in her favor, Moira has also received some compensation nerfs to her overall power.

Necrotic Orb

Biotic Orb

Biotic Grasp


Bug Fixes



Junker Queen

Those are the full patch notes for the Overwatch 2 Beta July 11 update, as shared by Blizzard. As we get closer to the game’s October release date, stay with Shacknews for everything you need to know about Overwatch 2.