Ubisoft shuts down online service on over 90 games dating back to PS2
Classics like Rainbow Six Vegas, Rayman Legends, and several Splinter Cell games from Xbox 360, PS3, and PC ended up on the chopping block.
It would appear Ubisoft is cleaning house on its multiplayer and online servers on various games. The company recently announced it would be shutting down multiplayer and online services on over 90 titles. They range from the PS2 era all the way up to more modern titles, but include some beloved games, such as titles from the Splinter Cell, Rayman, Rainbow Six, Assassin’s Creed franchises, and more.
Ubisoft announced it would be closing down services on these games in a recent blog post on the Ubisoft Help web pages. The page goes on to describe what the shutdown of these games mean, whether they are multiplayer or not.

The full rundown of games and platforms with online services being shut down by Ubisoft is as follows:
- America's Army (Xbox 360)
- Anno 1404 (PC)
- Anno Online (PC)
- Assassin's Creed 2 (PC | MAC | iOS | OnLive)
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (OnLive)
- Assassin's Creed: Recollection (MAC | iOS)
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations (OnLive)
- Avatar (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Beyond Good and Evil (PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Blazing Angels 2 (PC | Xbox 360)
- Call of Juarez 2: Bound in Blood (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Call of Juarez 3: The Cartel (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Driver: San Francisco (OnLive)
- ESPN Sport Connections (Wii U)
- Far Cry (PC)
- Far Cry 2 (PC)
- Far Cry Blood Dragon (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Flashback Origins (PC)
- Ghost Recon (PC)
- Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- H.A.W.X. (PC)
- H.A.W.X. 2 (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | OnLive)
- Haze (PlayStation 3)
- Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (PC)
- I Am Alive (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Just Dance 3 (Xbox 360)
- Just Dance 3 Greatest Hits (Xbox 360)
- Just Dance 3 Kids (Xbox 360 | Wii | Wii U)
- Just Dance 4 (PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | Wii U)
- Just Dance 2014 (PlayStation 3 | PlayStation 4| Xbox 360 | Xbox One | Wii | Wii U)
- Just Dance 2015 (PlayStation 3 | PlayStation 4 | Xbox 360 | Xbox One | Wii | Wii U)
- Just Dance 2016 (PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | Wii)
- Just Dance 2017 (PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | Wii)
- Just Dance 2018 (PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | Wii)
- Just Dance Disney Party (Xbox 360 | Wii)
- Just Dance Disney Party 2 (Xbox 360)
- Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth (Xbox 360 | Wii U)
- Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes (PC)
- Might & Magic Duel of Champions (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Might & Magic Showdown (PC)
- Might & Magic Showdown Paint Workshop (PC)
- Might & Magic X: Legacy (PC)
- MotionSports (Xbox 360)
- MotionSport Adrenaline (PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- My Fitness Coach Club (PlayStation 3)
- PowerUp Heroes (Xbox 360)
- Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | OnLive)
- PureFootball (PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Rabbids Alive and Kicking (Xbox 360)
- Rabbids Go Home (Wii)
- Rabbids Land (Wii U)
- Rabbids Travel in Time (Wii)
- Rainbow Six - Raven Shield (PC)
- Rainbow Six Lockdown (PC | Nintendo GameCube | PlayStation 2 | Xbox)
- Rainbow Six Vegas (PC | PlayStation 3 | PlayStation Portable | Xbox 360)
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | Xbox One)
- Rayman 3 (PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Rayman 3 HD (PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Rayman Legends (PC)
- Rayman Origins (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- R.U.S.E. (MAC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- R.U.S.E. Beta (PC)
- Scrabble 2007 (PC)
- Scrabble 2009 (PC)
- Settlers 3 (PC)
- Settlers 4 (PC)
- Settlers 6: Rise of an Empire (PC)
- Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom (PC | MAC)
- Settlers: Heritage of Kings (PC)
- Shape Fitness Evolved (Xbox 360)
- Shape Up (Xbox One)
- Shaun White Skateboarding PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | OnLive
- Shaun White Snowboarding (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | OnLive)
- Silent Hunter 3 (PC)
- Silent Hunter 4: U-boat Missions (PC)
- Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific (PC)
- Silent Hunter 5 (OnLive)
- Smurfs 2 (PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Spartacus Legends (PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Splinter Cell: Blacklist (Wii U)
- Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (PC)
- Splinter Cell: Conviction (PC | MAC | OnLive)
- Splinter Cell: Double Agent (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- The Adventures of Tintin (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Tom Clancy's EndWar (PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360)
- Toy Soldiers War Chest (PC | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One)
- Watch Dogs Companion (Android | iOS)
- World in Conflict (PC)
- Your Shape Fitness Evolved (Xbox 360)
- Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 (Xbox 360)
- Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2013 (Wii U)
It’s a shame to see the online services and multiplayer of so many games sunset, but it’s also a little surprising to see that some of the titles on this list weren’t already. As rumors circle about Ubisoft possibly facing a buyout, there’s speculation that the company is tidying up its records and financial housekeeping. This may very well be part of that effort. Either way, it would seem anyone still lingering on these games won’t be able to go back to them (at least regarding online service) for the foreseeable future.
TJ Denzer posted a new article, Ubisoft shuts down online service on over 90 games dating back to PS2
Ubisoft shuttering online services for about 90 games
Makes sense.
I remember people being indignant when EA shut down the servers for BF1942 in 2015. People on Slashdot were so pissed off that they said if you're going to shut down servers at some point you should be required by law to spell that out on the box somewhere, except that would turn people off from ever buying the game.
I then pointed out EA did exactly that - the back of the box for BF1942 only guaranteed the servers would be online until September 4, 2003
They'd been sued for not making it clear on the box for Ultima Online (!) that the game required an Internet connection and a subscription fee so they wanted a "get out of jail" card in case BF1942 was a dud. Instead it was a hit and they ran the servers for a dozen years before turning off the lights.
For the PC versions, once everyone got converted over to the new Ubisoft service they opened up all the rewards and just made them part of the games.
Was nice hopping back into an older Anno game and they just vomited all the rewards at me in one go, was a constant reward pop up notification (like when you binge shop in Mass effect games).
Yeah for the console users that's going to be rough but I imagine those who are still playing xbox 360 and wii games are a very small audience and usually keep a save around.
Some of the games are supported by gameranger https://www.gameranger.com/games/
Was super curious so I googled it and it is a separate pay online service. Accessible across multiple consoles and multiples games.
"As the service is exclusive to eighth-generation consoles and the Nintendo Switch, it can only be accessed with a Wii U (only through Just Dance 2016 to Just Dance 2019), an Xbox One, a PlayStation 4, a Nintendo Switch, a PC (with the use of Just Dance 2017), Google Stadia, a PlayStation 5, or an Xbox Series X."
Just updated and implemented into the new just dance as of November 2021 (another quick google search so double check my accuracy on the random clickbait blogs I got). Hopefully means the kid is good to go for a while longer.