Baron of Dice owner Steven Long on wargaming and creating custom dice

Published , by Morgan Shaver

If you enjoy tabletop games that require dice, or you’re a dice enthusiast who enjoys collecting unique sets, you’re sure to love the dice on offer from Baron of Dice. The company offers custom dice, with the website noting the designs being “customized specifically for the wargaming community.”

Eager to learn more about the company and the custom dice it specializes in creating, Shacknews’ Greg Burke recently sat down in an interview with Baron of Dice owner Steven Long. The interview opens with the question of how the business first came about, to which Long replies:

Baron of Dice has a wide variety of visually striking custom dice available including this Chaos Demon set.

Long goes on to mention his collection of Bonereapers, of which he notes having quite a few armies, and how when looking for dice to pair with them, he was unable to find any workable dice. This resulted in Long creating his own dice based around what he was looking for, and this eventually led to him wanting to do the same for every army, game, platform, and so on.

Adding to this is the time Long spends playing wargaming with friends, with his friends pointing out things they’d like to see in dice. Furthermore, not only is Baron of Dice impressive for its array of unique dice, the company is run by just two people, Long and his wife.

While it sounds like it’d be hard to run a company like Baron of Dice with two people, there’s also a benefit to it in being able to look over everything yourself. Long confirmed that dice aren’t packed at a fulfillment center, but by him, with him looking each one over and doing his own due diligence.

To learn more about Baron of Dice and its creator Steven Long, be sure to watch the full interview over on GamerHubTV. While you’re there, don’t forget to subscribe, and if you haven’t done so already, also subscribe to the Shacknews YouTube channel to stay up-to-date on all of the latest and greatest gaming content.