Elden Ring update 1.03 patch notes nerf the best Ash summon

Published , by Sam Chandler

Elden Ring is the hottest game right now, and to keep the good times rolling, FromSoftware has released update 1.03 along with some juicy patch notes. If you’ve been sinking any amount of time into this game of the year contender, you’re going to want to see what bugs have been fixed, which items have been buffed, and what gear received a bit of a nerf. Check out the v1.03 patch notes for Elden Ring below.

Elden Ring v1.03 patch notes

These Elden Ring patch notes come courtesy of Bandai Namco. Players may find that they have a new update to download next time they launch the game. Make sure to check your game is running the correct version by looking in the lower-right corner of the screen at the main menu. Let’s take a look at the v1.03 patch notes.

Additional Elements Added

Bug Fixed

Balance Changes

The version number of this update shown at the lower right corner of the Title Screen will be as follows:

As you can see, there are a whole lot of great additions coming to Elden Ring with update 1.03. The fact that NPCs are now labelled on the map will be a massive boon for those that are struggling to remember where everyone is located. Furthermore, having more summonable NPCs for fights is great. Unfortunately, with the good news comes the bad news. The most powerful Ash in the game (second only to Aurelia the Jellyfish), the Mimic Tear, has been nerfed. What do you think of these updates and changes? Let us know in the Chatty thread below! Be sure to stop by the Shacknews Elden Ring page for guides and the latest news.