Where is the Rosellan key in Chapter 12? - Triangle Strategy

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

The Triangle Strategy story takes some heavy turns just prior to Chapter 12. In order for Prince Serenoa and House Wolffort to survive against an incoming Hyzante army, they must gather evidence against the very central doctrine that drives Hyzante as a nation. That definitely won't be easy, but Serenoa believes that key hides among the Rosellan refugees in his village. Where is that key hiding, though? Shacknews is here to assist.

Where is the Rosellan key in Chapter 12? - Triangle Strategy

The Chapter 12 exploration phase in Triangle Strategy is critical, because it will affect the story heavily. On top of that, it's very easy to miss the key item that will save House Wolffort and the Rosellan refugees against the looming Hyzante army.

If you explore the village thoroughly, you'll likely find a few helpful items by interacting with random objects and villagers. You'll find a Pink Mirror hiding in a corner and a Pink Pelt sitting inside a villager's dwelling. Interacting with their corresponding villagers will add those items to your dialogue tree once you end the exploration phase. However, these two items are red herrings. Don't bother with these, because they're merely tricks. No, what you want is actually in the Elder's house.

Talk to the Elder, who will tell Serenoa that there's nothing in his house and there's no point in even searching. That sounds totally unsuspicious, right? Well, Benedict does not agree. Talk to Benedict and he'll prompt Serenoa to get the Elder out of his house in order to conduct a more thorough search. The Elder won't leave for just anybody, so talk to Frederica. The Rosellan princess will have enough sway to convince the Elder to get some fresh air. Once the Elder is out of his house, go back in and search the area where he was sitting. You'll find a Pink Rock.

Now you can end the exploration phase and initiate the next round of cutscenes. Show off the Pink Rock and, without providing any specific story spoilers, it will prove to be the key to salvation. Watch the subsequent scenes play out, which will include Serenoa and Benedict showing the Pink Rock off to the Hyzante army. You'll have successfully avoided a bloody conflict and saved the Rosellan refugees.

There are a few more brain teasers like this throughout Triangle Strategy. Keep it here on Shacknews and watch our Triangle Strategy topic page for the latest guides and updates.