How lockpicking works - Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Published , by Sam Chandler

Lockpicking in Dying Light 2 is an important skill to practice. If you can get quite good at picking locks, you’ll be able to unlock every single locked container or door you come across. Furthermore, if a container is in a dangerous zone, the faster you can lockpick, the faster you can get in, grab your reward, and get to safety.

How lockpicking works

Any player that has played a game that has lockpicking will be immediately familiar with how lockpicking works in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. To use an easy comparison, picking locks in this game is the same as it is in the Fallout series. Here’s how it works.

Find the correct position using the top pick and test it using the "turn lock" button.

Whenever you start lockpicking in Dying Light 2, you will see two picks enter the lock. There will be a top one and a bottom one. You must move the top pick into a position and then try turning the lower pick. If the top one is in the right spot, the lower pick will start rotating around. If the top pick is wrong, the lower pick will wobble.

Sometimes, the top pick will be close to the correct spot but not exactly on it. When this happens, you will start to turn the lock and then the lower pick will wobble. Make a small adjustment to the top pick’s position and try again.

If you keep pushing the pick when it’s wobbling, it will eventually break. The easier a lock is, the more forgiving this timer is. If you’re trying to pick a hard lock, it will break extremely easily.

The other thing to know about lockpicking in Dying Light 2 relates to a lock’s difficulty. An easy lock will have a wider correct position, making it easier to find the right spot. A hard lock will have an extremely narrow correct position, which means it will be quite difficult to find.

It’s a good idea to have plenty of picks on you as you explore the game. For this reason, you should know how to craft lockpicks. With your pockets full of lockpicks, you can start busting open all those containers and doors you see, which should yield some neat rewards. Take a moment to look over the Shacknews Dying Light 2 page for a wealth of other guides to help you survive.