Sony VP George Cacioppo fired after showing up in pedophile sting video

Published , by Sam Chandler

George Cacioppo, a Sony senior vice president of engineering, has been fired after showing up in a pedophile sting video. The video, posted online, shows Cacioppo open his front door only to be confronted by the YouTuber.

On December 5, 2021, Oscar Gonzalez of Cnet reported on the firing of Sony vice president of engineering George Cacioppo. The now ex-employee of Sony had allegedly utilized the dating app Grindr to meet a 15-year-old boy. Sony has stated that it is aware of the situation and that the “employee in question has been terminated for employment”.

How this all came to light is thanks to a YouTube channel called People v. Preds. The video embedded below shows George (who referred to himself as “Jeff” in the messages) waiting at his front door.

The video description provides a link to a Google Drive where screenshots of the alleged conversation can be read. The screenshots show a conversation between two individuals planning to meet up for an encounter and swapping pictures.

Though the YouTuber was threatening to call the police, the video ended prior to the arrival of law enforcement. However, the YouTuber can be heard saying that the “police will be here soon”.