Shack Chat: What is your favorite Bungie game?

Published , by Shack Staff

Halo Infinite’s multiplayer is one of the hottest games out, and the game’s campaign is just on the horizon. With all that Halo on the brain, we wanted to take this week to reflect on the works of Bungie, the company responsible for kicking off the sci-fi shooter franchise two decades ago.

Question: What is your favorite Bungie game?

Halo 3 - Ozzie Mejia, Senior Bungie Editor

Gotta go back to where the fight first started… with the third Halo game. Well, that's where it started for me. After a long sabbatical from video games, in general, I dove back into the most recent generation at the time by adopting an Xbox 360. My first game? Halo 3! I wanted to see what the fuss was about with this series and, while it isn't up to the standard of the previous two games for most people, it holds a place near and dear to me for getting me back on the gaming horse.

Halo 2 - Donovan Erskine, Veteran Spartan

Being a Halo fanboy, this one was actually tough to nail down. I think that Halo 3 is the best of the Halo series, but Halo 2 holds a special place in my heart. Those days that friends would come over with their consoles and we’d connect on system link, running matches until the sun came up. Maps like Lockout, Zanzibar, Coagulation… they feel like home. I’ve also got fond memories of that campaign, playing through the entire thing in co-op with my step-brother. Halo 2 isn’t just my favorite Bungie game, it’s one of my two or three favorite games ever made.

Halo: Reach - Blake Morse, Co-EIC

I love the first 3 Halo games a lot, and yes, I get that Halo 2 is a masterpiece, but Reach is just special to me. It was Bungie’s last time working on the series and it feels like a love letter from them to the Halo franchise and all its fans. It’s probably the only time that a Halo campaign plot pulled me in and while I can’t say it’s the best PvP of the series, it definitely made its impact known and I enjoyed every minute I spent with it. It is by far my favorite game from the Bungie crew.

Halo 2 - Sam Chandler, UNSC Commander

It ain’t even close. Halo 2 stands tall above every single other Halo title as well as Bungie game. Each title will hold a special place in my heart, but Halo 2 revolutionized not just the series, but it had a profound impact on how we experience online games today. It managed to tell a gripping story between the Master Chief, Covenant, and the Flood, and even gave us more insight into the hierarchy of the Covenant, even going so far as to introduce a civil war. On the Xbox Live side of things, the lobby system, ranking system, and matchmaking mechanics are now a staple in online games. I could talk about Halo until I’m blue in the face. Also, Lockout. C’mon. ‘Nuff said.

Myth 2 - Chris Jarrard, Has the best opinions on staff

My pick for top Bungie game has to go to Myth II. Before Halo came along and ruined everything, Bungie made good games like Myth. It was released during the mid-90s RTS craze and was notable for its 3D graphics and the copious amounts of blood that you could find sprayed across the battlefields. The included mapmaker was good for countless hours of goofing around once I finished the campaign.

Destiny - Bill Lavoy, New Hunter Vanguard

I have played Destiny and Destiny 2 like most of the folks at Shacknews played Halo, which is to say a lot and with dedication. I’m over 2,000 hours into Destiny and Destiny 2 at this point, and the experience continues to get better with each passing year. The movement and gun play have always been excellent, but the storytelling in the last year or two has been exceptional. Throw in that there’s always something to do, and always more coming, and it’s tough for me to even consider another game developed by Bungie. In 20 years, you’ll hear me talking about the impact Destiny had on me in the same way you hear folks talking about the way Halo influenced them.

Halo Reach - TJ Denzer cried a little at the end

I fell out of love with Halo for a pretty long time after Halo 2. I really enjoyed the first two games, but a lot of what came after felt a bit too been-there-done-that. That said, I did go back for one more big hurrah with Halo Reach and it was a good decision. That game is my ideal of prime Halo. It had great gunplay, beautiful environments, and a compelling story all the way to the bittersweet end. It was my favorite co-op experience for a long time and even knowing what would happen since it was a prequel, I couldn’t help but be enthralled with how it led into the first Halo’s story. Halos have come and gone over the years, but I will never forget Reach or what it gave me.

Halo PC Demo - Dennis White, Social Media/Community Manager

I think Halo 2 is the better game but I am showing some love to the OG Halo because of the memories I have with it. And when I say memories, the scenario may not be what some may think. You see, I used to go to a private high school as a teen and we were a very crafty group of degenerates. We actually managed to set up a school wide server connection for Halo demo and would play the game from our laptops during classes. Yes, that’s right. We managed to figure out a way to toss grenades and blow up warthogs from our desks and if a teacher ever got suspicious we could hide our screen in an instant. I got to really know Blood Gulch because that was the only map available. The firefights we would get into in the middle of homeroom were incredible. I didn’t have an original Xbox. EVER. So my Halo experiences were always at a friend’s house. Halo built some serious friendships for me in an unorthodox way for a brief but awesome period of time.

Halo 2- Asif Khan, Shacknews Luminary/Lola’s Assistant

Halo 2 was one of the first online FPS console games that took over my gaming universe. Great matchmaking and fun times with friends. The game features some of the most iconic levels in any first-person shooter game, and it’s influence on most console shooters is undeniable. You can also dual wield the “Deadly Needler” in the game, making it the GOAT.

Those are our favorite games from Bungie over the years. We're sure you've got favorites of your own, so sound off with those opinions  in the chatty!