Stuck crouched, can't ADS or redeploy - Battlefield 2042

Published , by Bill Lavoy

There are quite a few bugs in Battlefield 2042, but some of the more frustrating ones include not being able to be revived or redeploy. You’re either stuck in the death screen for the entire match or must leave the match entirely. It turns out there are signs for when this might be happening, and here’s what you can do to avoid it.

Fix crouch/ADS/redeploy bug - Battlefield 2042

If you’ve ever experienced the following bugs in Battlefield 2042, they could be related.

It turns out, some or all the above bugs could be related. Kevin Johnson, Community Manager for Battlefield 2042, took to Twitter to talk about some of the above bugs, suggesting that a few of them are symptoms of the frustrating bug that won’t allow you to be revived or redeploy.

If I’m reading that right, it seems that when you enter a state where you’re not able to stand up, you’re moving slowly, or you can’t ADS, it might be signs that you’re about to experience the revive/redeploy bug. If that’s the case, the temporary fix is to head to your menu and immediately redeploy before you die. In my experience, I also couldn’t fire my weapon, so be on the watch for that as well.

If you get to a point where you do die and you can’t be revived or respawn, it doesn’t appear there’s a fix for that yet. You’re either going to have to leave the match or sit in a downed state for the remainder of the game. I guess this depends on your score and how much time is left. I experienced this bug with a few minutes left in the match and took that opportunity to go snag a glass of water.

The main takeaway here is that if you find yourself experiencing any of the above symptoms, immediately redeploy to avoid the bigger, nastier revive/redeploy bug. If you do get stuck with this bug, feel free to spend some time on our Battlefield 2042 topic page browsing our other guides while you wait for the round to end.